mercredi 30 janvier 2013


Adolescence...a formative time for being, belonging, becoming.

This period of life is characterized by significant change and transition. The health and well-being of adolescents is shaped by the world in which they grow and the people that surround them.
As young people navigate the changes of adolescence, it is critical that they receive the guidance, support and encouragement that fosters healthy development. Choosing the right course of action is daunting because health is a complex issue. Therefore, it is important first to clearly identify the factors that affect the health of adolescents and define what teens need to develop in healthy ways.
This information can be used to guide decisions about the best strategies and actions to support healthy youth in Minnesota.


Adolescence provides a unique opportunity to invest in the health and well-being of youth. Good health (physical, emotional, social and spiritual) enables young people to make the most of their teenage years while laying a strong foundation for adult life. Lifestyle behaviors developed during adolescence often continue into adulthood and influence long-term prospects for health and risk of chronic disease. Thus, investment in health during adolescence has long-term benefits.
Adolescence is defined by the World Health Organization as the period of life between the ages of 10 to 19 [1]. It is a time characterized by distinct and dramatic developmental changes such as physical changes due to puberty; social changes related to social roles and expectations, and changing roles in relationships; and emotional and intellectual changes in a transition from concrete to abstract thought and reasoning. The rate of these developmental changes is second only to infancy. Experimentation and exploration are hallmarks of adolescence as young people seek to find their “fit” in society. This is a time of redefining and developing relationships, with parents, family and peers. It is important to understand adolescence in the continuum of the lifespan. The experiences of childhood have a significant impact on adolescence, while adolescence lays a foundation for the experiences of adulthood.

The Cost of Not Investing in Health of Adolescents

The cost of not investing in Minnesota youth is staggering in economic, social and humanitarian terms. At the same time, there are significant benefits of investing in the health of Minnesota adolescents. Young people who are well-educated and healthy are more likely to become contributing members of society and contributors to our economic prosperity. It is also more effective to prevent problems before they start, especially in childhood and adolescence. How Minnesota collectively invests in their success and well-being reflects who we are as a society.

Definition of Health

Health is an optimal state of well being in all areas of life – physical, emotional, social and spiritual. By using this broad definition of health, adolescents are healthy when they:
1) engage in healthy behaviors that contribute to a healthy lifestyle;
2) have the capacity to thrive in spite of stressors in life (resiliency);
3) successfully engage in the developmental tasks of adolescence; and
4) experience a sense of wholeness and well-being.
Minnesota youth have defined health in a similar manner:
1. feeling confident in oneself;
2. feeling comfortable with oneself;
3. support of caring family, other adults and peers;
4. being strong in one’s individuality;
5. having personal goals and dreams;
6. enjoyment of being with others and development of close, positive relationships;
Factors That Affect the Health of Adolescents

The health of adolescents is affected by a complex interplay of factors between the young person and their social environment. Their health is shaped by parents and families, peers, neighborhoods and communities, schools, community organizations, faith communities, health care systems, media, employers, and social norms, policies and laws. These factors impact young peoples’ sense of health and well-being by affecting their capacity to withstand life stressors, their ability to transition in developmentally appropriate ways, and their ability to make decisions about health behaviors.
There are a small number of behaviors that negatively affect the health of adolescents. In fact, 70% of adolescent death and illness are caused by six categories of risk behavior, listed in the table below.

(including violence and suicidal behaviors)
that result in unintended pregnancy, HIV infection
and other sexually transmitted infections

There are a multitude of factors, both positive and negative, that influence the health and well-being of adolescents.
Risk factors are elements that raise the odds that a poor outcome will occur and diminish the likelihood of successful development. While they do not predict or guarantee an outcome, risk factors threaten the health and well-being of youth.
Protective factors have a positive influence. They are elements that moderate or buffer against hazards and stressors. Protective factors do not eliminate risk but moderate it. Risk and protective factors interact together to influence the health of youth.
It is not just the presence of factors but more importantly the complex balance and interplay between them that affects health.

Spheres of Influence

To better understand the affect of risk and protective factors, they can be organized within spheres of influence:

Individual Adolescent (Youth)

There are factors within the individual adolescent that affect the young person’s health and well-being. Some factors are biologically determined while others are social in nature, including a young person’s view of self, their attitudes and beliefs, their sense of future and their ability to interact socially with others.


Family plays a critical role in the health and well-being of adolescents. Teens supported by a caring family are most likely to develop in healthy ways and less likely to engage in problem behaviors. Young people who grow up surrounded by family discord, conflict, instability and lack of supervision are at higher risk for poor health outcomes.


The influence of peers on health can be direct (attitudes and behaviors of peers) or indirect (a young person’s perception of their peer group’s attitudes and behaviors).


School has a powerful influence on the health and well-being of adolescents. Young people who feel connected to school are less likely to be involved in problem behaviors. Adolescents who struggle in school (being old for grade, being retained in grade, failing in school, dropping out) tend to be at higher risk for problem behaviors.


Young people who feel a sense of belonging to a community that offers support and opportunity are fostered to grow and develop in healthy ways. This support can be provided through caring adults, community organizations, faith communities, other community institutions, and opportunities for authentic involvement. Youth surrounded by communities characterized by poverty, chaos, disconnection and violence tend to be at higher risk for problem behaviors and poor outcomes.

The Connection Between Healthy Development and Adolescent Health

There are specific developmental tasks that all youth need to accomplish in order to enter adulthood well prepared. These tasks are best described by the theme of

 being, belonging and becoming.

Being refers to “defining who I am” and has to do with personal values, attitudes, knowledge and behaviors. These developmental tasks revolve around defining a clear sense of identity, a positive sense of self worth and control over one’s life.
Belonging refers to “finding my place in the world” and has to do with a young person’s fit with their environment. These developmental tasks focus on the ability to form healthy relationships with others, using available support systems, finding a valued place in their world and finding ways to be useful to others.
Becoming refers to “achieving my personal goals, hopes and aspirations.” These developmental tasks include mastering social skills, developing lifelong learning habits, developing a sense of curiosity and exploration, seeing a promising future with real opportunities, acquiring skills to participate in our economy and establishing a respect for diversity.
Young people who are supported to complete these developmental tasks are better prepared to make a successful transition from adolescence into adulthood while young people who are not given healthy outlets for growth are likely to find potentially harmful alternatives. In general, adolescents need to be surrounded by safe places, challenging experiences and caring people to develop in healthy ways

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