jeudi 6 juin 2013

Chi siamo

« l’integrazione degli stranieri passa attraverso il riconoscimento della dignità delle rispettive culture di provenienza, certa (come lo sono) che la letteratura è una grande via per il

jeudi 23 mai 2013

Jolla Sailfish OS Flagship Device Makes First Appearance

Jolla Sailfish OS Flagship Device Makes First Appearance

Given the amount of coverage that Android receives around here, you could almost be forgiven for forgetting that other mobile operating systems do exist. They do, and one of the more recent

Learn to Edit Graphics for your Development Work

Learn to Edit Graphics for your Development Work

The importance of good and appropriate graphics for your development work is undeniable. Be it an app, a ROM, a tool, or a mod; you’ll probably want to invest a good amount of time and effort

Side-Swiping Multitasking with Kakudo

Side-Swiping Multitasking with Kakudo

Recovering iPad users may still remember the multitasking function where you can swipe left or right to switch between running apps. I sincerely apologize if you are still trying to put this

jeudi 9 mai 2013

L'UDC gioca di nuovo col fuoco

Per la votazione sulla legge sull'asilo, i giovani UDC presentano un "manifesto scandalo". Bühler: "Immagine forte, ma reale"

I volantini non sono ancora stati distribuiti, lo saranno nei prossimi giorni, ma in Svizzera interna sono già stati subissati di critiche. "Razzisti", "volgari", "diffamatori", "da ignorare", le reazioni più frequenti. E lo stesso Erich Hess, presidente dei Giovani UDC, autori del contestato volantino, ha riconosciuto che l'immagine è razzista. "Rappresenta visualmente i fatti" ha detto.

Il presidente dei giovani UDC ticinesi è sulla sua stessa lunghezza d'onda. "È un'immagine forte, ma reale" afferma Alain Bühler. "Centra uno dei problemi della politica d'asilo. Perché comunque i richiedenti l'asilo sono a carico degli svizzeri che pagano le tasse, quindi in un certo senso vivono sul loro dorso."

"In più una parte crescente di loro commette dei crimini" aggiunge Bühler, "andando ad appesantire ancor più il carico che sopportiamo. Ovviamente si parla di una minoranza, non bisogna generalizzare, ma è giusto presentare questo problema così com'è, senza tanti maquillage. E il volantino dei giovani UDC lo fa."

Bühler dubita che queste immagini giungeranno anche sui muri ticinesi. "I giovani UDC non hanno prenotato spazi pubblicitari per questa campagna" ci spiega. Ma il volantino girerà anche da noi e sicuramente darà adito a nuove discussioni.

"L'importante è che si parli della campagna per questa votazione" aggiunge Bühler. "I giovani UDC perlomeno si sono attivati, cercano di animare il dibattito. Per quanto ci riguarda, come sezione ticinese, possiamo solo invitare tutti a sostenere questa revisione della legge, che per altro è sostenuta anche dagli altri partiti di destra e dal Consiglio federale."

Le coppie puntano al risparmio. Ecco come fare

 Le coppie puntano al risparmio. Ecco come fare

ROMA - Come ogni anno l’O.N.F. ha monitorato i costi per il giorno più bello ed importante nella vita di una coppia.

Il governo dichiara guerra agli studenti”. Università in stato d’agitazione

Link Udu e Rete della conoscenza contro il decreto attuativo della riforma Gelmini che "penalizza pesantemente gli atenei del Sud Italia". Negato il diritto allo studio a migliaia di studenti. Assemblee fino al 7 febbraio

LECCE – “Il governo dichiara un’altra volta guerra agli studenti e le studentesse del nostro Paese”. La denuncia arriva dagli studenti Link – Udu e Rete della conoscenza Puglia e fa riferimento ad un decreto

Matrimoni. Sposarsi chiedendo un prestito. Il 41% delle coppie fanno così

Matrimoni. Sposarsi chiedendo un prestito. Il 41% delle coppie fanno così
ROMA - Maggio è per antonomasia il mese dei matrimoni le cui spese, in periodo di crisi economica, si affrontano sempre più spesso richiedendo un prestito. Il comparatore (, con la collaborazione di (, ha analizzato oltre 20.000 richieste di

Il Governo Berlusconi approva il disegno di legge che istituisce il reato di stalking

  Ora alla prova dei fatti della lotta alle violenze omofobiche

  Ora alla prova dei fatti della lotta alle violenze omofobiche

DIRE, Roma, 19 giu. - Il governo dichiara guerra allo stalking. Il Consiglio dei ministri ha infatti approvato

Il governo dichiara guerra allo stalking

Cancellieri e Alfano studiano provvedimenti anti-molestie: braccialetto elettronico e arresto senza denuncia della vittima

Un braccialetto elettronico per tenere lontano gli stalker dalle loro vittime. È uno dei provvedimento allo studio dei ministeri dell'Interno, della Giustizie e delle Pari Opportunità. L'idea

Inflazione e lavoro, amore e odio. La crisi spiegata da una curva. E se Phillips avesse ragione?

Curva di Phillips. (immagine da internet)Curva di Phillips. (immagine da internet)
L'inflazione in Italia ad aprile scende a picco. Ad aprile il tasso che sintetizza l'aumento tendenziale del costo della vita si è attestato all'1,2%, 4o punti base in meno rispetto all'1,6% di marzo e 80 punti base sotto la

jeudi 7 février 2013

Je t'aime Necklace - Sterling Silver

Je t'aime Necklace - Sterling Silver
Je t'aime Necklace - Sterling Silver Je t'aime Necklace - Sterling Silver Je t'aime Necklace - Sterling Silver Je t'aime Necklace - Sterling Silver Je t'aime Necklace - Sterling Silver
Je t'aime. I love you.

This sterling silver necklace features a pendant, stamped with the French, "JE T'AIME". It's been embellished with dots, which are holes punched into the silver all around the edge of the

Netted Sea Glass Necklace - Silver, Silk, and Glass

Netted Sea Glass Necklace - Silver, Silk, and Glass
Netted Sea Glass Necklace - Silver, Silk, and Glass Netted Sea Glass Necklace - Silver, Silk, and Glass Netted Sea Glass Necklace - Silver, Silk, and Glass Netted Sea Glass Necklace - Silver, Silk, and Glass Netted Sea Glass Necklace - Silver, Silk, and Glass
A treasure from the sea.

I picked up this beautiful piece of green sea glass on the beach in the summer time, while collecting sea shells. I've encased it in a looped netting of sterling silver. It is very securely

Penny For Your Thoughts Ring

Penny For Your Thoughts Ring
Penny For Your Thoughts Ring Penny For Your Thoughts Ring Penny For Your Thoughts Ring Penny For Your Thoughts Ring Penny For Your Thoughts Ring
"PENNY FOR YOUR THOUGHTS" has been stamped onto a sterling silver ring band and soldered a copper US penny securely to the band. The penny has a gentle curve to it for comfort.

4 Easy Steps to Control Your Thoughts to Create the Life You Desire

Your life today is because of what you thought yesterday. If you want your tomorrow to be different, you must LEARN to control your thoughts.
Most people state not having what they want in life is their biggest frustration – yet they really do

mercredi 30 janvier 2013

Shakira enceinte pose dénudée au côté de Gerard Piqué

Shakira enceinte et son compagnon Gerard Piqué.Campagne Unicef.

La chanteuse colombienne a dévoilé son ventre rond lors d'une série de clichés réalisée au profit de l'Unicef.
C’est sans artifice que la chanteuse colombienne Shakira, 35 ans, a choisi de mettre en valeur son

Adolescent : faire partie d'une bande, c'est bien ou pas

Groupe d'adolescents : faut-il avoir peur de l'effet groupe ? 
Au secours, votre ado n'a plus qu'un seul mot à la bouche "le groupe" ! Au départ rassurée de le savoir entouré d'une bande, vous avez désormais peur qu'il soit trop influençable. Que faire ?

Help, mon ado a (déjà) une vie sexuelle !

Comment gérer un ado qui a déjà une vie sexuelle. 

Les premiers flirts, premiers petit(e) ami(e)s et très vite les ados passent à un nouveau cap : la sexualité. Comment réagir en voyant que son enfant a (déjà) une vie sexuelle ?

7 conseils pour bien choisir l

'orientation de son ado

Lycéenne ado 

La fin de l'année scolaire approche à grands pas et votre enfant continue de s'interroger sur son avenir. Comment le guider et l'aider à faire le bon choix ? Explications.

La "première cuite

  avant même la première cigarette

Un adolescent qui boit de l'alcool
Plus d'un tiers des élèves de 3e a déjà connu une ivresse alcoolique et l'immense majorité déclare avoir consommé de l'alcool au moins une fois, rapporte l'Observatoire français des drogues et toxicomanies.


Miu Miu Shoes Fashion For Women-New fashion-2013

Shoes Fashion Women-New fashion-2013 Miu-Miu-Womens-Shoes.jpg


Adolescence...a formative time for being, belonging, becoming.

This period of life is characterized by significant change and transition. The health and well-being of adolescents is shaped by the world in which they grow and the people that surround them.
As young people navigate the changes of adolescence, it is critical that they receive the guidance, support and encouragement that fosters healthy development. Choosing the right course of action is daunting because health is a complex issue. Therefore, it is important first to clearly identify the factors that affect the health of adolescents and define what teens need to develop in healthy ways.
This information can be used to guide decisions about the best strategies and actions to support healthy youth in Minnesota.


Car oui, je ne peux parler de mon métier ou plutôt de mon environnement professionnel sans parler du sujet principal : les adolescents (ou comment enfoncer des portes ouvertes)
Alors je ne suis pas là pour expliquer ce qu’est un adolescent, merci. Mais l’avantage et l’inconvénient de travailler auprès des jeunes, c’est qu’on relativise ou que l’on revit souvent cette « merveilleuse » période obligatoire pendant laquelle on se cherchait en jouant avec les règles et leurs limites, avec plus ou moins de résultats heureux.
Pour vous planter le décor et ne pas vous laisser dans le brouillard quant à certaines de mes réflexions, à ma décharge (…si on veut) j’étais une adolescente très (trop) sage. Trop timide, trop réservée, trop moche pour être populaire, je me laissais gentiment entrainée au grès des jours tout en rapportant de bonnes notes en français et catastrophiques en math (oui bon…) Je stressais à mort pendant les cours de langue car je détestais passer à l’oral, alors que je me faisais remarquer en sport car j’adorais le hand-ball (qui m’a bousillé le poignet gauche à plusieurs reprises) le volley (qui n’a rien arrangé), le badminton, le foot, le basket…je détestais la gym, la course à pied, et surtout le canoë ! (j’en ai fait des cauchemars de cette saloperie)

How to Eat Fruit for Breakfast & Lunch to Lose Weight

How to Eat Fruit for Breakfast & Lunch to Lose Weight
Increasing your fruit intake at breakfast and lunch can help you lose weight by making you feel fuller on fewer calories. Unprocessed fruits contain a lot of water and fiber, which takes a lot of room in your stomach with few calories, leaving less room for other foods. In addition, fruits

Fruit to Eat to Lose Weight

Fruit to Eat to Lose Weight 
Weight loss occurs when you burn more calories than you consume. You can exercise more to increase your caloric expenditure, but you will likely have to lower your caloric intake to achieve your health and fitness goals. Not eating or skipping meals is not productive, because it slows your metabolism, making it harder to lose weight. Ideally, you want to remove high-calorie foods from

How to Increase Calorie Intake From 1200 to 1400 a Day

Olive oil adds calories to certain foods.
Once you've reached your goal weight, you might be able to add a couple hundred more calories per day, as long as you continue to exercise, so those extra calories don't turn into extra pounds. Another reason to increase caloric intake is if you're underweight, trying to get healthier. A few

How to Increase & Decrease Caloric Intake to Lose Weight

Don't feel chained to your weight or calories.

Step 1

Understand what your caloric needs are. Organizations like the American Heart Association set guidelines on recommended caloric intakes based on age, gender and physical activity.

Recommended Homeschooling Methods for Parents

Although homeschooling youngsters is proven to be an efficient alternative for normal schooling, numerous parents whom like to join their kids inside the mentioned system frequently refuses to have a clue for you to go about inside directing understanding. While it really is true which several

When Science Meets Fiction

When Science Meets Fiction
It is amazing what research will do to you. Be it the innovation of electricity or the discovery of the god like particle. Humans have come a extended means from being a race which knew nothing to a group of inventors, scientists, thinkers plus professors whom have changed the method you reside

Spread Your Thoughts And Ideas Through Translation Services

Spread Your Thoughts And Ideas Through Translation Services For a company, powerful correspondence with all the possible visitors is the key to achievement. In the present multilingual situation, odds are that many of the potential visitors will not talk or

Color-code Your Opinions

Knotch Launches Their iOS App Today

StartX Summer session grads Knotch launch their iOS app today. Knotch is a people-first opinion sharing platform that cuts out the typical white noise associated with social media by letting users express their opinion on a topic by simply tagging it with a color. When users’ opinions are aggregated, their knotches blend into a color bar that expresses mass sentiment on a particular topic.

dimanche 27 janvier 2013

Capital to Catch a Glimpse of History

downtown Washington, D.C., yesterday, a federal holiday dedicated to slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., for the festivities marking the start of President Barack Obama’s second term in office.
The crowd included hundreds of thousands of young people from around the country, from elementary school students accompanying their parents to college-age youth hanging out with their friends. They spent hours traveling on buses and trains to the National Mall, more hours waiting in the January cold for the ceremonies to begin, and many more stuck in gridlock at security checkpoints and Metrorail stations afterward on their way home.
Youth Today asked some of these young people, many of whom were too young to vote for Obama either time, why they were there.
On the Orange Line Metrorail from Vienna, Va., to L’Enfant Plaza, D.C.

Programs Grow Under Medicaid Bonus Program


Last month, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services awarded 23 states approximately $296 million in bonuses for increasing the number of children enrolled in health insurance programs.

mercredi 23 janvier 2013

Des lèvres à croquer!

Des lèvres à croquer!
Toutes les femmes rêvent d'embrasser une grenouille pour qu'elle se transforme en
prince charmant. Mais mettez-vous à la place de la grenouille! Des lèvres gercées et ridées, sillonnées d'horribles crevasses, et qui s'approchent pour déposer un baiser sur votre bouche... Beurk! Si vous voulez embrasser votre prince charmant, vous devez vous assurer que vos lèvres

Pre-CES 2013 Crystal Ball - Intel's Atom might win the ARMs race

During our short time with the Atom Medfield powered Motorola RAZR i, which surprised us in many areas, we had an epiphany - What if Intel added moar cores and a better GPU engine into their upcoming torpedo (Clovertrail+) aimed at the ARM dominance in smartphones?

Coopération aérienne: Signature d’un accord entre les Emirats arabes unis et le Sénégal


Almad Seed Ahmad Alzaabi, l’ambassadeur des Emirats arbaes unis au Sénégal et le ministre des transports et des infrastructures ont procédé, hier à la signature d’un accord aérien dans les locaux du ministère des affaires étrangères. 

L’Arabie saoudite dégage un excédent budgétaire record

061018_KAEC_Crystal Renderings.indd 
Le premier exportateur mondial de pétrole a réalisé cette année un excédent budgétaire record, de 102,9 milliards de dollars. Un chiffre sans équivalent aujourd’hui de par le monde et équivalent à…15 % du PIB du royaume